6 Trending Computer Vision Models on GitHub in 2024

Computer vision has seen massive advances in recent years thanks to deep learning and neural networks. With so many open-source computer vision models hosted on GitHub, developers have an abundance of options to build innovative …

Computer Vision Models

Computer vision has seen massive advances in recent years thanks to deep learning and neural networks. With so many open-source computer vision models hosted on GitHub, developers have an abundance of options to build innovative and powerful image and video analysis applications.

In this post, we will explore 6 computer vision repositories on GitHub that are gaining popularity and spurring innovation in 2024.

YOLOv5 – The Leading Real-Time Object Detection Model

One of the most popular CV models on GitHub currently is YOLOv5 – You Only Look Once version 5. This lightweight, real-time object detection model can identify and classify multiple objects in an image or video feed with incredible speed and accuracy.

YOLOv5 leverages a PyTorch framework and is designed for easy deployment to production systems and edge devices. With over 52K GitHub stars, YOLOv5 is being used to build exciting real-time detection apps by leveraging its ability to process 45 frames per second while maintaining high accuracy.

Key Features: real-time object detection, classification and localization, fast performance, easy deployment

Detectron2 – Facebook’s Robust Detection Library

Detectron2 from Facebook AI Research is a flexible computer vision library for object detection, segmentation, and other cutting-edge vision tasks. Built on PyTorch, Detectron2 is highly modular and extensible for computer vision research and production use cases.

Detectron2 powers Facebook’s production vision applications like Facebook Horizon, and its robust performance benchmarks make it one of the most advanced open-source object detection libraries currently available. With over 21K GitHub stars, Detectron2 offers the ideal blend of innovation and stability for industry deployment.

Key Features: modular design, production-ready, state-of-the-art performance

Segmenter – Lightweight Semantic Segmentation

Segmenter provides an easy-to-use semantic segmentation model powered by PyTorch. By classifying each pixel in an image, Segmenter allows for a fine-grained understanding of complex visual scenes and backgrounds.

Segmenter prioritizes high performance by optimizing for both speed and accuracy. With over 1.8K stars, it is gaining popularity as a nimble semantic segmentation solution.

Key Features: semantic segmentation, real-time performance, easy-to-use API

Google’s TensorFlow Object Detection API

Google’s TensorFlow Object Detection API makes it easy to build, train, and deploy object detection models. It provides pre-trained models like SSD and Faster R-CNN out of the box while also allowing developers to train custom models tailored to new use cases.

With its modular design and over 51K stars, the TensorFlow Object Detection API has become a widely adopted foundation for production-ready computer vision applications.

Key Features: pre-trained models, custom training capabilities, modular and extensible


This ultra lightweight face detector model can accurately identify and box faces in images using just a few hundred kilobytes. By employing depthwise separable convolutions and other optimization techniques, the model minimizes size while retaining high accuracy.

The slim size makes it ideal for mobile and edge deployments. With over 10K stars, this face detector is proving valuable for on-device vision applications.

Key Features: tiny model footprint, optimized for edge devices, accurate facial recognition

MMDetection – Leading Toolkit for Object Detection

MMDetection from OpenMMLab offers a leading toolkit for training, evaluating, and deploying detection, segmentation, and other vision models with a model zoo containing over 500 models including popular options like Mask R-CNN.

With highly standardized APIs and over 19K GitHub stars, MMDetection simplifies the computer vision model development workflow and supports innovative new architectures.

Key Features: extensive model zoo, unified APIs, active development community

These six repositories demonstrate the diversity of innovation happening in open-source computer vision. Whether it’s real-time video analysis, tiny on-device models, or semantically precise image segmentation, developers have access to a wealth of CV capabilities thanks to the vibrant computer vision ecosystem on GitHub.

To learn more about deploying these models, check out NVIDIA’s AI hub for optimized hardware and software for computer vision. OpenCV also provides tutorials on implementing open-source vision models.

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