How To Write High-Quality Content For Your Blog (in 2024)

“Are you eager to master the craft of crafting top-notch content for your blog? In this article, I will unveil my tried-and-tested, step-by-step process that has propelled my thriving blogging journey for over 13 years. …

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“Are you eager to master the craft of crafting top-notch content for your blog?

In this article, I will unveil my tried-and-tested, step-by-step process that has propelled my thriving blogging journey for over 13 years.

Let’s delve into the intricacies and unveil the mysteries of creating exceptional content across any subject.

Steps to Craft High-Quality Blog Content

  1. Initiate with Keyword Research

Your content has the power to achieve two crucial objectives:

a. Drive Traffic
b. Boost Conversions

Creating content that accomplishes either goal is commendable. However, is there any valid reason not to aim for both?

Absolutely not.

Therefore, be intentional in your choice of words. This involves identifying a keyword with a high search volume and low competition.

Leveraging keyword research tools such as Ahrefs can significantly simplify this process.

Here’s how you can do it, using “blogging tips” as the example keyword:

Begin by visiting the tool’s website and logging into your account.”

ahrefs keyword research

You’ll need to shell out $7 for a 7-day trial. I know it’s a strange practice to have people pay for a trial of your product, but not all products are like Ahrefs. Trust me, it’s going to be worth it.

Once you’re logged in, go to Keywords explorer and search for “blogging tips”.

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer blogging tips

From the results, you will see an overview of the keyword. This includes keyword difficulty, search volume, and traffic potential.

Now, turn to the left and click search suggestions.

Ahrefs search suggestions

This lets you view all keywords related to your search.

Ahrefs search suggestions1

Browse through the list to find the best keyword. Remember to focus on those with high search volume and low competition.

2. Find The Most Shared Posts for this Keyword

Crafting shareable content is key to unlocking a plethora of potential traffic and enhancing your Google ranking. Let me illustrate this with a practical example using the same keyword from our earlier step: “blogging tips.”

To demonstrate, proceed to Ahrefs’ Content Explorer and initiate a search for “blogging tips.”

Ahrefs content explorer blogging tips

It will then provide you with a list of the most popular content for your keyword. In this case, you can view the most popular content for “blogging tips”.

Best blogging tips
most popular Blogging tips 2

And they are the most shared posts on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

As you can see, this article earns the second spot on the list: 21 Business Blogging Tips From the Pros

Blogging Tips social media examiner

The reason why this content is highly shareable is no secret at all.

If you’re curious, let me enlighten you.

  1. Click-Worthy Title:
    The title is not only catchy but also includes a number and a clear message. Who wouldn’t be enticed to click and explore the article?
  2. Impressive Long-Form Content:
    With a substantial word count of 3,447, the article captures readers’ attention effectively. Such length suggests it’s likely packed with valuable information, well-researched, and goes in-depth on the topic.
  3. Abundance of Images:
    Surprisingly, even just one image can elevate an article to the “shareable content” category. In this case, the post goes above and beyond with no fewer than 10 images!

3. Use Quora to find Questions You can Answer About The Keyword

This Q&A platform stands out as a formidable player!

It serves as the ideal space to source questions that you can spotlight in your article. These questions are particularly valuable as they represent the burning queries people are urgently seeking answers to.

Now, there are two methods to harness Quora’s potential.

The first involves the traditional route.

Commence by visiting Quora and conducting a search for “blogging tips.”

Quora Blogging Tips

You will then see a list of results.

Best blogging sites

Choose the best one to use for your article. It will make your life much easier.

For example, let’s go with the first question.

What is the best blogging tip site for a blogger?

best blogging tip site

What you do is feature this subject matter on your article.

Here is an example of an outline that features that.

Best blogging tips site outline

While searching on Quora is straightforward, why not streamline the process even further? If you’re on the hunt for blogging tips in general, just give me a shoutout.

Feel free to take a glance at my Quora profile to peruse the questions I’ve tackled.

The second method involves a bit of reverse engineering! Instead of seeking answers, head straight to the source—look at the answers.

Begin by identifying the influencers and subject matter experts. Examine their responses.

If you’re unsure how to locate influencers on Quora, consider yourself fortunate; Phantombuster is a tool that can be of assistance. Simply select a Quora topic, and it will unveil influencers for you!


4. Search for Infographics to Feature

Pinterest is the go-to platform for this strategy.

Showcasing infographics is a brilliant move.

After all, every business can benefit from them — a full 100%!

They are visually appealing and easy to scan. Moreover, their potential for virality can significantly boost brand awareness and drive substantial traffic.

If you’re eager for a straightforward tutorial on how to go about this, pay attention!

To start, head over to Pinterest and begin a search for the infographics that catch your eye. In this case, try searching for “blogging advice infographic.”

This will take you to a page displaying a gallery of various infographics.

From the results, select the one that appeals to you the most. In this instance, I’ll choose this particular infographic.

Click on it to get a larger view.

To utilize it, click on the “Send” option.

Embed Pinterest Infographic

Now choose how and where you want to share it.

5. Look for Videos To Play

Enhancing the dwell time of your visitors is crucial, and presenting them with an engaging video is a surefire way to achieve that!

Join the ranks of the 80% of marketers who have already succeeded in this approach. This time, venture into the realm of YouTube, the perfect platform to discover relevant videos that you can seamlessly embed in your posts.

Here’s how to go about it:

Navigate to YouTube and initiate a search for pertinent videos. For instance, let’s search for “tricks for bloggers” in this example.

From the list of results, select the one that you deem most fitting. In my case, I’ll opt for Neil Patel’s “7 Blogging Tips That Will Make Your Blog Successful.”

Below the video, click on “SHARE.” This action will open a window presenting various sharing options.

Share youtube video

Highlight the code and click Copy.

Paste the code into your article on WordPress. If you’re using WordPress’ visual editor, all you need to do is paste the code/link. And it will automatically convert into a watchable video.

6. Prepare Resources to Link in your Article

Prepare to substantiate every statement you make. This not only fosters trust but also helps in building a solid rapport.

Additionally, this practice serves as a protective measure. Be vigilant for individuals who may approach you with inquiries or, in more severe cases, challenge your credibility.

A reliable strategy is to turn to reputable and trustworthy sources.

Take a look at how I implemented this in the previous point.

I previously mentioned that 80% of marketers resort to video content to enhance dwell time.

If you have any questions, hold onto them for now. You can verify the information firsthand by clicking on the provided link to access the facts.

7. Feature Influencers

“They’re people who have consistent access to a massive audience of consumers.

But they don’t just have access. They have the ability to influence the decisions of their audience members.”

How to Connect with Rock Stars

According to Neil Patel in his post “How to Connect with Rock Stars,” and it’s indisputable given his standing as one of the biggest influencers in Digital Marketing, he doesn’t question the effectiveness of influencer marketing.

Hence, it’s wise to incorporate influencers to kickstart your momentum and more!

Think of an influencer as a metaphorical big brother.

Similar to a big brother, an influencer provides support and assists in your personal development.

However, exercise caution and avoid hastening the process. Careful selection of an influencer is crucial.

Remember, not all influencers can bring value to your cause.

Opt for the reputable ones.

You can achieve this by preemptively checking their profiles and evaluating whether they align with your goals.

Some key variables to consider are Domain Authority, Page Authority, and Reply Ratio. Additionally, take note of their Twitter followers and Retweet ratio!

To initiate the process of finding influencers, a tool like BuzzSumo will prove invaluable.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Access your BuzzSumo account and click on the “Influencers” tab.
BuzzSumo Influencers

On the search bar, enter relevant keywords to find the type of influencers you wish to collaborate with. In this instance, I will use “blogging” as my search term, as I aim to connect with influencers in the field of blogging.

Buzzsumo search blogging

From the list of results, refer to the variables mentioned above. And take your pick!

8. Build an Outline Using Your Research

Now, it’s time to weave together the pieces of information you’ve gathered.

Create a preliminary outline, emphasizing its rough nature as it needs to remain flexible for future adjustments.

This outline serves as a framework, offering a broad overview of how you intend to structure your article.

Clarify your goal – why are you writing this specific article? What purpose does it serve?

Fortunately, tools like WorkFlowy can aid in crafting outlines.

WorkFlowy stands out for its simplicity, flexibility, and user-friendly interface.

Its unique feature allows you to zoom in and expand items, facilitating work on both micro and macro tasks.

Feel free to use WorkFlowy as you see fit – whether building an outline from scratch or developing one on the fly.

For instance, using the keyword “easy blogging methods” as the title with four sub-headings, here’s an example outline:

  • Easy Blogging Methods
  1. Introduction
  2. Key Considerations
  3. Practical Implementation
  4. Conclusion

This flexible structure can guide your writing process while allowing for adaptability as needed.

Blog Post Outline

If you click the bullet point, it will expand a subheading.

This will lead you to another section. There, you can choose to add other sub sub-headings.

Workflowy Create blog post outline

To show you, I added a batch of sub sub-headings under “Single Topic Blogging.” I created 5, to be exact.

If you want to expand the latest batch of sub sub-headings, go ahead. Follow the same process.

And if you want to make your way back to the previous headings, you can do that, too. All you need to do is click on the title above.

9. Write a Click-Worthy Title

Now, it’s time to amalgamate the gathered information.

Construct a preliminary outline, underscoring its tentative nature to accommodate future adjustments. This outline functions as a framework, providing a broad overview of how you plan to structure your article.

Define your goal – what is the purpose of writing this specific article? What do you aim to achieve?

Thankfully, tools like WorkFlowy prove invaluable in crafting outlines.

WorkFlowy shines due to its simplicity, flexibility, and user-friendly interface.

Its distinctive feature enables you to zoom in and expand items, facilitating work on both micro and macro tasks.

Feel at liberty to utilise WorkFlowy according to your preferences – whether initiating an outline from scratch or evolving it on the go.

For instance, using the keyword “easy blogging methods” as the title with four sub-headings, here’s an example outline:

  • Easy Blogging Methods
  1. Introduction
  2. Key Considerations
  3. Practical Implementation
  4. Conclusion

This adaptable structure can guide your writing process while allowing room for flexibility as necessary.

10. Present a Compelling Intro

The introduction serves as a crucial juncture where you provide readers with a strong grasp of the upcoming content, enticing them to read further.

Avoid the pitfall of crafting a dull introduction, as it could inadvertently convey that the remainder of your article is equally uninspiring.

To steer clear of boredom, pointlessness, or lackluster beginnings, consider adopting The APP Method by Brian Dean.

APP stands for Agree, Promise, Preview—a formula designed for creating compelling introductions that imbue your content with purpose.

Here’s how you can apply this method:

Initiate by aligning with your readers. Get them to agree with your perspective, establishing a connection that conveys your understanding of their viewpoint.

Make a commitment to your readers. Assure them that you’re poised to enhance their understanding or provide valuable insights.

Offer a glimpse into what lies ahead. Give readers a preview of the valuable content awaiting them in the article.

By adhering to The APP Method, you can create a compelling introduction that resonates with your audience. Let’s break down an example:

“Are you tired of sifting through mundane blogging tips that fail to make a real impact? We understand your frustration. In this article, we promise to revolutionize your approach to blogging with actionable and effective methods. Join us as we delve into easy blogging techniques that will elevate your content creation game to new heights.”

This introduction effectively follows The APP Method, engaging readers and setting the stage for an impactful article.

The APP Method Agree

Then, you promise.

The APP Method Promise

And here goes the preview.

The APP Method Preview

Acquiring stock images from sites like Pixabay might not add much value to your content. Instead, consider creating a custom design using Canva. It’s both FREE and EASY!

Follow this step-by-step tutorial, using our sample title:

  1. Go to Canva.
  2. Click on “Create a design” and select what you want to make. In this case, let’s choose “Blog Banner.”
  3. Pick a template. Opt for one like “ZIMCORE HUBS.”

Now, edit the text:

  1. Type in your heading. For instance, “Blogging Tips You Don’t Know Yet.”
  2. Enter your sub-heading. For example, “5 Tricks You Will Learn Here.”

Once you click “Download,” your custom design is ready to use!

Download Canva Design

12. Include a Table of Contents

Facilitating your readers with a Table of Contents (ToC) can significantly enhance their experience by providing a quick overview of your content.

To implement a ToC effortlessly, consider employing a WordPress plugin such as “Easy Table of Contents.”

Follow these steps to install and activate the plugin:

  1. Navigate to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click on “Plugins” in the left-hand menu.
  3. Select “Add New.”
  4. In the search bar on the top right, enter “Easy Table of Contents.”
  5. Locate the plugin in the search results.
  6. Click “Install Now” next to the “Easy Table of Contents” plugin.
  7. After installation, click “Activate” to enable the plugin.

Once activated, you can configure the settings and customize the appearance of the Table of Contents to suit your preferences. This plugin makes the process seamless, enhancing the navigational experience for your readers.

Easy Table of Contents WordPress Plugin]

After installing and activating the “Easy Table of Contents” plugin, proceed to customize your Table of Contents (ToC) settings:

  1. Go to Settings > Table of Contents in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. On this page, you’ll find options to tailor your ToC. Adjust settings related to its general behavior, positioning, and appearance.
  3. Take note of the Advanced section, where you can configure additional settings.
  4. Customize all the settings according to your preferences. Pay special attention to the Auto Insert section.
  5. Ensure that you select the appropriate checkboxes, particularly enabling the auto-insertion for both posts and pages.
  6. Once you’ve configured the settings, click Save Changes to apply your adjustments.

By carefully configuring these settings, you ensure that the Table of Contents is seamlessly integrated into your posts and pages, enhancing navigation for your readers.

13. Use Lots of Screenshots

Incorporating visuals into your content enhances its clarity. When people can visualize your message, comprehension improves, making your words more impactful.

This is particularly crucial for how-to posts or technical articles, where screenshots play a vital role.

For an efficient and user-friendly approach, consider utilizing the Evernote Web Clipper.

This tool serves as a screen capture solution, offering various clipping formats, including article, simplified article, full page, bookmark, and screenshot. The flexibility in choosing formats ensures you can tailor your visual elements to match the content type.

Opting for the Evernote Web Clipper comes with numerous advantages. It simplifies the process of capturing and integrating screenshots, contributing to a more engaging and informative reader experience.

14. Use Short Sentences and Paragraphs

A wall of text is the last thing you want in your content. It not only lacks interest but also makes information challenging to read, potentially driving away your readers.

Consider this: what if someone seeks instant information? If your content doesn’t cater to this need, they may choose to steer clear of it altogether.

To combat this, break down your content by shortening sentences and paragraphs. The shorter, the better.

Enter the world of “bucket brigades.” While they may be considered old-school copywriting techniques, their effectiveness remains on par with modern-day approaches.

Bucket brigades are phrases strategically placed to keep readers engaged and prevent them from leaving your page prematurely. Here’s an example of how I employed bucket brigades earlier:

  • “Now, let me teach you how to use Bucket Brigades.”

Identify sections in your content where readers might be tempted to exit, typically after receiving valuable information. Use bucket brigades to retain their interest and keep them engaged.

For instance:

  • “If you don’t have any value left to offer, they will do the practical thing. And that is to leave. So, don’t give them a reason to leave. Instead, give them a Bucket Brigade.”

By incorporating bucket brigades effectively, you encourage readers to linger, boosting the overall impact of your content.

15. Create Clickable Tweets

Explore this: “25 Strategies to Generate Blog Post Ideas Today”

Pay special attention to this feature: If you click it, you can tweet the blog post! Leveraging this functionality is vital as it can significantly enhance your blog post’s visibility.

This feature is not only a time-saver but also a convenience for your audience. They can effortlessly share your remarkable blog post without leaving your site.

For crafting clickable tweets, I rely on a tool called Social Warfare. Its click-to-tweet feature is incredibly handy, allowing me to create eye-catching clickable tweets swiftly and easily.

What sets Social Warfare apart is not just its click-to-tweet feature but also its other winning functionalities, including social sharing, lazy load, and share recovery!

16. Incorporate LSI Keywords in Your Post

LSI stands for Latent Semantic Index-based keywords. These are words closely related to your main keyword, encompassing substitutions, synonyms, or any relevant terms.

Let’s consider an example: if your main keyword is “problogger,” some LSI keywords to incorporate could be “blogging jobs” and “Darren Rowse.”

This approach is brilliant for avoiding redundancy and has the added benefit of boosting your post’s ranking for the main keyword.

Furthermore, it enhances the reading experience for your audience. Repeatedly mentioning the same words can lead to listener fatigue, even if you have valuable content to share. LSI keywords come to the rescue by diversifying your vocabulary.

For more in-depth information on LSI keywords, explore this post: “What Are LSI Keywords (And Do They Help with SEO?)”

17. Create Callout Boxes

Callout boxes are effective in making important points stand out in your content. To create these callout boxes using WordPress, utilize a plugin called Shortcodes Ultimate.

Here’s a step-by-step guide assuming you are using Gutenberg:

  1. Download and install the Shortcodes Ultimate plugin.
  2. In the text editor, click on the plus icon to add a block. Select Widgets > Shortcode.
  3. Click on the Shortcode icon to insert a shortcode using the plugin.
  4. In the available shortcodes, enter “box” in the search bar to narrow down the choices.
  5. Click on the “box” shortcode to open the box option.
  6. Scroll down to find the text area where you can enter the content inside the box. Type your text there.
  7. Click “Insert shortcode” if you’re satisfied with the box. If not, click “Live preview” to see how it looks before including it in your article.

For instance, if you want to highlight a specific text, you can use the box shortcode to create a callout box. Adjust the header color to match your blog’s branding, making the most important parts of your content visually appealing.

Beyond callout boxes, you can explore Shortcodes Ultimate to create various other elements like buttons, tabs, sliders, carousels, and more to supercharge your blog post.

18. Determine Your CTA

As you formulate your outline, the purpose of your article should be crystal clear by now. With that in mind, consider the desired Call-to-Action (CTA) for your readers:

Will you motivate potential buyers with a compelling “BUY NOW” button?

Do you want to guide readers to another page by inviting them to “CLICK HERE”?

Alternatively, are you keen on building your email list by encouraging them to “SUBSCRIBE NOW”?

The choice of your CTA depends on your specific goals and the nature of your content. Tailor it to align with the overarching purpose of your article and the desired action you want your audience to take.


There you have it – 18 detail-oriented and actionable steps to guide you in crafting content that captivates and converts your readers. By diligently following the tips above, you’re on the right path!

It’s important to note that writing exceptional content is just one part of the battle. You’ll still need to manage various aspects, including content promotion, performance tracking, and other tasks to ensure your content effectively drives traffic to your blog.

For now, take a moment to appreciate the masterpiece you’ve just created.

How about you? Do you have any additional tips to share with our readers on how to write quality content? Feel free to chime in by commenting below!

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