10 Points on Beas River

1) The Beas River is the second easternmost among the five rivers in the Punjab region.

2) The Beas River originates from the Himalayas in Himachal Pradesh.

3) It stretches for a total length of 470 km and covers an area of approximately 20,303 square km.

4) The Beas River starts at an elevation of 14,308 ft above sea level on the southern side of the Rohtang Pass.

5) Flowing from the Rohtang Pass, the Beas River passes through the Kullu valley and then moves into the Kangra valley.

6) After traversing the Kangra valley, the Beas River enters Punjab and eventually merges with the Sutlej River.

7) The Sutlej River flows into Pakistan's Punjab province where it joins the Chenab River.

8) When the Beas and Sutlej rivers meet, they form the Panjnad River, which eventually joins the Indus River.

9) The Beas River is responsible for creating the famous Kullu and Kangra valleys.

10) Some significant tributaries of the Beas River include the Bain, Banganga, Luni, and Uhaul rivers.

10 Lines on Bear