10 Points on Brahmaputra River

1) The Brahmaputra River is a significant river that flows across South and Central Asia, crossing international boundaries.

2) It traverses through the regions of Tibet, India, and Bangladesh.

3) Originating from Lake Mansarovar in the Himalayas, the Brahmaputra begins its journey.

4) Initially, it courses through southern Tibet before entering Arunachal Pradesh, India.

5) As it progresses, the river transforms into the Brahmaputra as it flows southwest through the Assam valley.

Upon reaching Bangladesh, it is known as the Jamuna River, eventually merging with the Ganges.

7) Together, the Brahmaputra and the Ganges form a vast delta before emptying into the Bay of Bengal.

8) The Brahmaputra River stretches approximately 2900 kilometers in length, covering an area of 34,160 square kilometers.

9) Its average depth is recorded at 38 meters, with certain areas plunging to a maximum depth of 120 meters.

10) Apart from being a vital source of irrigation, the Brahmaputra River also serves as a crucial transportation route.

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