10 Points on  E-Diplomacy

1) E-Diplomacy, also known as Electronic or Digital Diplomacy, involves using the internet to achieve diplomatic goals.

2) Using the internet for diplomatic purposes is what we call E-Diplomacy.

3) E-Diplomacy relies on internet and communication technologies for international policy-making.

4) Virtual summits like SAARC, G20, and Non-Aligned Movement demonstrate the use of E-Diplomacy.

5) It's an effective way for diplomats to work virtually.

6) E-Diplomacy fosters bilateral and multilateral relations between countries.

7) During the Covid pandemic, it served as a crucial tool for international connectivity.

8) Diplomats can communicate without the need for physical presence.

9) However, E-Diplomacy is vulnerable to cyber-attacks like hacking.

10) One of its advantages is saving diplomats' time and enhancing efficiency.

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