Design, develop, and implement AI systems and algorithms, requiring a strong background in computer science, mathematics, and programming.

AI Engineer/Developer 

Specialize in creating algorithms enabling machines to learn from data, demanding a deep understanding of machine learning techniques and frameworks.

Machine Learning Engineer

 Analyze and interpret complex data sets to inform business decision-making using statistical techniques and machine-learning algorithms.

Data Scientist

Address issues related to bias, fairness, and accountability in AI, ensuring the ethical development and use of AI systems.

AI Ethicist

Design and build robots and autonomous systems, involving the development of necessary hardware and software components.

Robotics Engineer

Design, develop, and implement AI systems and algorithms, requiring a strong background in computer science, mathematics, and programming.

Natural Language Processing Engineer

Coordinate the development and implementation of AI products, requiring an understanding of both technical and business aspects.

AI Product Manager

Conduct research to advance the field of AI, developing new algorithms, models, and techniques, often in academic institutions, research labs, and tech companies.

AI Research Scientist

Prepare and label datasets to train machine learning models, ensuring AI systems are trained on diverse and representative data.

AI Trainer/Annotation Specialist

Provide expertise and advice to businesses on leveraging AI for improved efficiency and innovation, aiding in the integration of AI into existing processes or the development of new AI-driven solutions.

AI Consultant