10 Points on Bird Flu

1) Bird flu, also known as avian influenza or H5N1, is what we commonly call this illness.

2) It spreads really easily, and in birds, it's caused by a type of influenza called Influenza type A.

3) Avian influenza viruses mainly come from wild aquatic birds.

4) Different versions of the flu virus cause sickness in animals like pigs, horses, dogs, and humans.

5) Among the three types of flu (A, B, C), Influenza A is the one that specifically affects birds.

6) Bird flu is known for causing a lot of deaths among birds.

7) Birds can pass bird flu to humans, too.

8) There are two types of bird flu strains: high pathogenic and low pathogenic.

9) The first time we found the high pathogenic bird flu was in a goose in China back in 1996.

10) People getting sick from bird flu was first seen in Hong Kong in 1997.

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