Children's Mental Health Awareness Week

Understanding mental health is like giving kids a superpower—it helps them handle their own feelings and understand what others are going through. Keep reading to learn more.

Mental health awareness gives kids the tools they need to deal with tough stuff like stress and anxiety. It helps them become stronger and find healthy ways to cope.

When we spot signs of mental health issues early, kids can get the help they need to avoid bigger problems later on.

On National Children's Mental Awareness Day, we talked to experts about where children's mental healthcare is headed and how it can improve.

According to Frontiers in Psychology, focusing on mental health during childhood and teenage years is really important. 

That's because a lot of mental health issues start during these stages and stick around into adulthood. This is a big deal worldwide because nearly 20% of young people are affected by mental health issues.

Parents play a huge role in shaping kids' mental health. When parents stay calm and understanding, even when their kids mess up, it helps kids learn to handle life's challenges with courage and kindness, says Snigdha, a Clinical Psychologist at Mave Health.

In the world of children's mental healthcare, therapy is like a compass and a safe haven. It helps kids navigate life's challenges.

Parenting can be tough, but when parents and therapists work together, they can create environments where kids learn about mental wellness early on and keep growing emotionally strong, says Snigdha.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made things even tougher for kids' mental health. Emergency room visits for mental health reasons among US children have gone up by 24% for ages 5-11 and 31% for ages 12-17. This shows how important it is to help kids early on.

Early intervention is key. By spotting and dealing with mental health issues early, we can give kids the support and skills they need to handle life's ups and downs.

Understanding what's going on with a child's mental health can make a big difference. It helps kids know they're not alone and explains why they might struggle with things others find easy.

Kids and adults show mental health issues differently. So, the way we help them should be different too. While adults might talk about how they feel, kids often show they're struggling by acting differently or feeling sick.

Kids who struggle in school might not just need more discipline—they could be dealing with tough stuff inside. By addressing what's really bothering them and giving them lots of support, we can help them do well in school and in life.

Gentle parenting is gaining popularity, focusing on empathy, respect, and understanding. It's about teaching kids important life skills without making them feel bad.

Telehealth and online therapy can make mental health services more accessible to everyone. They're especially helpful for kids who live far away from help or find it hard to talk face-to-face, says Sharma.

These expert insights show how focusing on kids' mental health now can make a big difference in their lives later on.

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