Coding vs. Programming: What’s the Difference?

Joe loves playing video games and is fascinated by how they work. He’s curious about the stunning visual effects and lifelike characters he controls with his gamepad.

Tired of being puzzled, he decides to explore the magic behind these games. After reading a blog, he learns he needs to code. 

He then watches a YouTube video that emphasizes the importance of programming for creating games and websites. Now, Joe is confused: should he learn coding or programming? What’s the difference?

You don’t have to be a gamer like Joe to face this question. In today’s digital world, the terms "coding" and "programming" are often used interchangeably, but they aren’t quite the same. 

Coding is the process of translating human language into a language that computers can understand. Computers speak in binary (1s and 0s), but humans use natural languages like English. 

What is Coding?

To bridge this gap, we created programming languages. A coder learns these languages and translates human instructions into a format computers can understand and execute.

Coding is essentially about writing code. It involves translating one programming language to another or converting human language into machine-readable code. Coding is usually for solving simple problems and doesn’t require extensive planning or resources.

Programming, on the other hand, is a broader process that involves not just writing code but also developing, testing, and maintaining software programs.

What is Programming?

Programming, on the other hand, is a broader process that involves not just writing code but also developing, testing, and maintaining software programs.

What is Programming?

It’s about creating complex applications that perform specific tasks without errors. Programming includes planning, designing algorithms, debugging, and updating the software over its lifecycle.

Coding vs. Programming: Key Differences

Coding: Communicates instructions to the computer. Programming: Builds, tests, and maintains complete software programs.


Coding: Requires a simple text editor. Programming: Needs various tools for debugging, testing, and maintaining software.


Coding: Requires knowledge of one or more programming languages. Programming: Involves critical thinking, problem-solving, and designing algorithms, in addition to knowing programming languages.


Coding: Results in a small, simple program. Programming: Produces robust, complex software.


Coding is a subset of programming. While coding focuses on writing code, programming encompasses the entire process of software development. Both are crucial in creating software, but programming involves more advanced skills and tools.

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