How Many Hours Do Indians Work In A Week?

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has said that the 70-hour workweek is not mandated by any national law in any country. 

Billionaire Narayana Murthy said that the Indian youth should duplicate the manner in which youths in Germany and Japan worked extensively to lift their respective nation's economies after the huge losses in World War II.

Let's break down the key points from the ILO report on how many hours Indians work in a week:

The ILO clarified that no national law anywhere mandates a 70-hour workweek.

India has the longest average workweek among the top ten global economies, with an average of nearly 48 hours per week.

The ILO report reveals that only six countries have higher average working hours than India: Qatar, Congo, Lesotho, Bhutan, Gambia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Interestingly, there's a correlation between shorter working hours and higher per capita GDP. For example, Switzerland has an average workweek of 31.6 hours and a GDP per capita of approximately $93,421, while France's workweek is 30.1 hours with a GDP per capita of around $55,493.

Despite working the most hours among the top economies, India has one of the lowest per capita GDP figures.

Narayana Murthy's suggestion of a 70-hour workweek sparked debate among industrialists. While some supported the idea, others like Mukesh Bansal emphasized the importance of personal choice, health, and work-life balance.

Developed nations are transitioning towards the ILO's recent convention, advocating for a 40-hour workweek instead of the previous 48-hour convention. This shift aligns with the ILO Convention 1, ratified by India in 1921, which set standards for eight hours of work per day and 48 hours per week.

Workers with long hours often report reduced job satisfaction, motivation, and higher rates of absenteeism and turnover, as highlighted in the ILO's 2018 report on working time and the future of work.

The ILO will release an India-specific report on working hours and their impact on work-life balance, comparing findings with other Southeast Asian countries and making recommendations for improving the work environment in India.

Before the adoption of ILO Convention 1, many countries, including India, adhered to a standard workweek of 60 hours. However, regulations have since been updated to reflect the eight-hour workday and 48-hour workweek standard.

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