Ayodhya's Resilient Ram Mandir

Ayodhya was originally a city of temples, historically known as the ancient capital of Kaushal Pradesh. 

Over time, it became known as Ayodhya in Hindu and Saket in Buddhist eras, situated on the banks of the Sarayu River. 

According to research, Lord Rama was born in 5114 BCE, celebrated as Ram Navami on the ninth day of Chaitra month. 

Initially, Ayodhya was the capital of Kaushal Janpad, described in Valmiki's Ramayana as a city with grand roads, palaces, gardens, and mansions. 

After Lord Rama's reign, Ayodhya went through a period of desolation but was rebuilt by his son Kush, continuing the legacy of the Suryavanshi dynasty. 

The last ruler of this dynasty was Maharaja Brihad Dal, and after his death in the Mahabharata era, Ayodhya faced destruction. 

The first Shunga ruler, Pushyamitra Shunga, undertook the reconstruction of the temple, as indicated by inscriptions found in Ayodhya. 

Ayodhya later became the capital of the Gupta Empire, and poet Kalidasa mentioned it several times in his works, including the Raghuvamsha. 

Chinese traveler Fa Hien, in the 7th century, recorded the presence of 20 Buddhist temples and a prominent Hindu temple called Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. 

During the 11th century, King Jayachand of Kannauj defaced the temple, inscribing his name over Emperor Vikramaditya's inscription, but later met his downfall. 

In the 14th century, despite invasions and lootings, the grand Ram Mandir in Ayodhya remained standing, surviving various assaults. 

Sikandar Lodi's rule saw the temple still present in Ayodhya, but it faced challenges during the period of Babur in 1527-28. 

Despite multiple invasions, the majestic temple dedicated to Lord Rama endured until the 14th century. 

Records suggest that efforts to destroy the temple persisted, including during Sikandar Lodi's reign, but the Ram Mandir survived. 

The grand temple in Ayodhya dedicated to Lord Rama was eventually constructed in the 14th century, withstanding various challenges over the centuries. 


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