How Are These Firms Planning to Become Greener?

World Environment Day 2024 brings a stark reminder of the reality of global climate change, seen in prolonged heatwaves and record rainfall.

This day prompts us to look at how some companies are making small but significant changes to reduce their carbon emissions and become more sustainable.

To cut greenhouse gas emissions, McDonald’s India-North and East has switched 24% of its Delhi restaurants to solar energy as of last year (2023). 

Transitioning to Solar Energy:

This transition has reduced their CO2 emissions by 3,822 tonnes annually, thanks to a 3.2 MW solar plant generating 4.2 million power units each year. This impact is comparable to planting 160,000 trees. 

"Sustainability is central to McDonald’s in fostering robust and resilient food systems, whether it is using sustainably sourced ingredients for our products and packaging or reducing our carbon footprint with renewable energy at our restaurants,”.

With the travel and tourism industry's growth comes increased environmental impact from hotels and restaurants.

Focus on Green Buildings in the Hotel Industry:

ITC Hotels is addressing this by transforming many of its properties into green buildings. 

"ITC Hotels currently has 23 LEED Platinum hotels and are the first 12 hotels globally to receive LEED Zero Carbon Certification and the first four to be LEED Zero Water Certified,” said HC Vinayaka, Vice President - Technical, EHS and Sustainability, ITC Hotel.

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a widely recognized green building rating system.

Many hotels are also focusing on sustainability by eliminating plastic use and optimizing water and resource usage, particularly in ecologically sensitive areas. 

“The cottages are constructed entirely from mud, with no cement or concrete used, and even our toothbrushes are made from bamboo sticks.”

Ankur Aggarwal, Managing Director of Crystal Crop Protection Limited, shared his company’s plans to reduce greenhouse gases by 20% by 2027. 

Plans to Cut Carbon Emissions:

“We are transitioning from coal to biomass products like briquettes for our energy needs and recycling water and plastic. Our GreenAg initiative focuses on nutrition and soil management to enhance crop production with integrated pest management and natural nutrition.”

Electric vehicles (EVs) are also seen as key to sustainability due to their low carbon footprint during operation. Several logistics firms are transitioning to EVs to reduce environmental pollution. 

CJ Darcl Logistics is running a pilot project to test EV cargo operations, with plans for broader implementation. "Our electric vehicle intra-city cargo run pilot program is a significant step toward a greener future. 

Agarwal also emphasized using tools like Sustainability-as-a-Service to lower carbon emissions in logistics operations.

These initiatives show how companies are taking tangible steps toward a more sustainable future, making a significant impact on reducing their environmental footprint.

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