Step-by-Step Guide To Create Free Blogger Website (2024)

Creating a website using Blogger is a great way for beginners to get started with blogging and building an online presence. Blogger is a free blogging platform owned by Google that allows you to create …

Step-by-Step Guide To Create Free Blogger Website (2024)

Creating a website using Blogger is a great way for beginners to get started with blogging and building an online presence. Blogger is a free blogging platform owned by Google that allows you to create a website in just a few steps. In this comprehensive guide, I will walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up a free Blogger site from start to finish using the latest features in 2024.

Step 1: Sign Up for a Google Account

Since Blogger is owned by Google, the first step is to sign up for a free Google account if you don’t already have one. This can be either a Gmail account or a general Google account.

Go to and click on “Sign in” at the top right. If you already have an account, sign in. Otherwise, click on “Create account” to sign up for a new Google account. Follow the prompts to enter your name, create a username (your Gmail address), add a phone number for verification, and create a password.

Accept the Terms of Service and click “Next” to set up your Google account. This account will be used to login and access your Blogger site.

Step 2: Access Blogger and Create a Blog

Now that you have a Google account, it’s time to create your blog on Blogger:

  1. Go to and click the orange “New Blog” button in the top menu bar to create a new blog.
  2. Enter your blog title – this will be the name of your website. Choose something descriptive.
  3. Select a template – Blogger offers a variety of pre-made templates to easily customize the design of your site. Browse through and select one you like.
  4. Click on “Create Blog” to create your new blog on Blogger.

That’s it! Your new blog has now been created, but there are a few more steps to go before it’s ready to be published online.

Step 3: Customize Basic Blog Settings

With your blog created, it’s time to customize a few key settings before moving on:

1. Setup your blog address

By default, your blog will have a web address. To use your custom domain (eg., you can buy one and connect it to Blogger by upgrading to Google Workspace (paid).

For now, you can customize your free Blogger address to something more memorable. Click on Settings > Basics and edit the “Blog Address” field. Choose something short, simple, and relevant to your blog’s name and niche.

For example, if your blog is called “Lifestyle Blog”, your blog address could be:

The blog address will be part of your blog’s URL that people will use to visit your site.

2. Pick blog categories and labels

Categories help organize your posts by broader topics. To add categories, go to Settings > Posts and comments > Categories. Click “Add new category” and create categories relevant to what your blog will be about, for example, “Recipes”, “Travel”, and “Fashion”.

Labels are more specific tags that further describe individual posts. You can add these later when creating posts.

3. Set your blog privacy and adult content options

Still on the Settings page:

  • Set the “Privacy” setting to “Public” so anyone can view your blog. You can limit access later if desired.
  • Uncheck “Adult content” unless your blog will contain mature content. Enabling this adds an “adult content warning” page to your blog.

Once the key settings are configured, your blog is ready for creating content!

Step 4: Design Your Blog With Themes, Fonts, and Colors

A key part of having an appealing blog is to make sure it looks professional and aesthetically pleasing. Blogger makes it easy to personalize your blog’s design:

Choose a Theme

Go to Theme > Customize. Browse the available themes and select one you like. Click “Preview” to see how the theme looks with your content. Find something clean, modern, and suited to your blog niche.

Pick Fonts & Colors

While still in Theme > Customize, you can also change the font styles and background colors used across your blog. Click on “Fonts” on the left sidebar. Select font styles you like and click “Save” at the top.

Similarly, open the “Colors” tab and you can pick background colors for the blog header, posts, sidebar, buttons, links, etc. Choose a color palette that aligns with your theme. Preview the changes until you are happy, then save.

Add Header Images

Most themes allow you to add a custom header image at the top of your blog. This further personalizes the design. Go to Theme > Customize > Header. Upload an image that represents your blog brand and complements the color scheme.

With your theme, fonts, colors, and images configured – your blog design is complete!

Step 5: Write Your First Blog Posts

Now the fun part – it’s time to start creating content! Here’s how to write blog posts on Blogger:

1. Click on the orange “New Post” button

This opens the blog post editor. Give your post a descriptive title relevant to the content.

2. Write your post content in the main editor box

Use the formatting options to style your text – make some parts bold or italicized, add lists or blockquotes, etc. The visual editor makes it easy to write beautiful posts.

3. Add images and videos to your posts

Visually engaging content gets more attention! Click the image icon to upload photos, illustrations, infographics, etc. Embed YouTube videos with the video icon.

4. Use categories and labels

Assign each post to one or more of the categories you created earlier. This organizes your content by topics. Also, add any relevant labels to describe the specific post.

5. Publish and share your posts

Once your post is ready, click the orange “Publish” button. Your blog post is now live on your Blogger site! Share it on social media to start building an audience.

Rinse and repeat to publish your first set of posts on your new Blogger blog!

Step 6: Add Important Pages and Widgets

In addition to blog posts, every Blogger site should have a few important pages to improve the visitor experience:

Create an “About” page

This page should introduce yourself or your website to visitors. Go to Pages > New Page. Name it “About” and add content like your bio, story, mission statement, etc.

Add a “Contact” page

This gives visitors a way to get in touch. Create a new page “Contact”. Add details like email address, contact form, and social media links so readers can contact you.

Configure key widgets

Widgets add extra elements to your blog sidebar. Go to Layout > Add a Gadget. Useful widgets include a search bar, follow buttons, newsletter signup, popular posts, etc. Drag them into your desired sidebar.

With these pages and widgets added, your basic Blogger setup is almost ready to go!

Step 7: Point a Domain Name to Your Blog

At this point, you have created blog content and customized the design – now it’s time to get your domain name! A domain name looks more professional and is easier to share than a messy Blogger subdomain.

Here are two options to get a domain:

1. Connect a domain you already own

If you purchased a domain previously, you can point it to your new Blogger blog. Just log in to your domain provider and update the nameservers to Blogger’s servers:

This will link your custom domain to your blog.

2. Buy a new domain

If you don’t have a domain yet, you can buy one from any registrar like GoDaddy, Namecheap, etc. Search for availability and buy the .com version of your blog name if available. For example, “”.

Connect your new domain to Blogger the same way as above by updating the nameservers.

Either way, your blog will now load with your professional custom domain!

Step 8: Apply SEO Best Practices

With your blog created and domain connected, you’re ready for the world to see it! Use these SEO tips to improve discoverability:

  • Keyword research – Find keywords people search for related to your niche and incorporate them naturally in your content. This helps Google understand your focus.
  • Descriptive titles & meta descriptions – Post and page titles and meta descriptions show up in search results. Make them catchy and informative.
  • Alt text for images – Add descriptive alt text to images to help search engines understand them.
  • Quality backlinks – Build links from high authority sites back to your blog posts to improve ranking. Guest posts on reputable blogs in your industry.
  • Site speed – Faster sites rank better in Google. Optimize images, enable caching, and minify CSS/JS to maximize performance.
  • Update content regularly – Search engines favor blogs with new, fresh content. Aim for 2-3 posts per week.

Following SEO best practices will help your new Blogger site get discovered faster on Google and grow your audience!

Step 9: Promote Your Blog

You’ve created valuable content – but no one will read it unless you actively promote your new blog:

  • Social media – Share blog posts on your social profiles. Let friends know about your new venture.
  • Forums and groups – Actively participate in communities related to your niche and share your blog when relevant.
  • Email lists – Offer an email opt-in on your blog. Send subscribers valuable content updates, newsletters, etc.
  • Guest posting – Reach out to other blogs and offer to contribute guest posts with a link back to your site.
  • Blogger features – Make use of Blogger’s built-in traffic-driving features like Google Search, Discover, etc.

With persistence and creativity, you can get more visitors to your new Blogger site through effective promotion.

Step 10: Monetize Your Blog (Optional)

Once you have built an engaged audience, you can start monetizing your blog to earn income:

  • Google AdSense – Show Google ads on your site targeted to your content. You earn money when visitors click/view them.
  • Affiliate marketing – Promote relevant products and services and earn commissions when users purchase through your links.
  • Sponsored posts – Get paid by brands to create branded content and campaigns on your blog.
  • Sell products/merchandise – Create your own physical/digital products like ebooks, courses, etc., and sell them on your blog.
  • Sell ads directly – Large brands will pay for ad space or sponsored content directly without a program like AdSense.

With perseverance and creativity, you can build a successful blogging business from your Blogger website!


I hope this guide gives you a comprehensive overview of how to create a fully functional blog on Blogger from start to finish, optimized for 2024. The key steps are:

  1. Sign up for a Google account
  2. Create your new blog on Blogger
  3. Customize basic settings
  4. Choose a theme and design elements
  5. Write compelling content
  6. Add important pages and widgets
  7. Connect your domain name
  8. Apply SEO best practices
  9. Promote your blog effectively
  10. Monetize your blog (optional)

The process does take some time and effort, but is completely doable even for beginners. With consistent hard work, you can build a professional Blogger website to establish your brand online.

What tips do you have for creating a successful blog on Blogger? Let me know in the comments!

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